Chapter XXX - where you'll find out that Adele is nerdy
42, according to google and according to Douglas Adam's book (and this is when you stop and think, "Yep, nerdy indeed"), is the answer to life, the universe and everything. I know, I know, it's not a simple answer, but hey!, at least it's something. An answer, it's nice to have answers. I like answers. No, I don't like answers, I love answers. I like making plans and I like to have a plan A, and then a plan B and then a plan C, all the way to Z. I don't like to take risks. I like my life how it is and the things I'm sure of. I like how I know I'll wake up and I'll have coffee and I'll meet the same people and how Noelle will be here and will sniff my face in the morning asking me to feed her. I like how I know where my books are on the shelves and where to find the excerpts I like the most because I've underlined them and have written a little note on the subject. Like: 'love', 'fear', or '!'. Or 'for a rainy afternoon', 'wake up, Adele', 'remember to have a tissue at reach on when you read this again'. I like to know I can reach things. Or that I can reach someone. Not like in some message in machine - 'you've reached me at'- but like in being in bed and reaching out my arm and making sure there's somebody else there and realizing it feels really good that he is there and going back to sleep. After saying goodnight, I always tell him I'll meet him in Buthan in 15 minutes. So, yes, sometimes taking risks and not planning the next step is necessary, because Buthan is far, far away.
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